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The Great Church of the Other God

In Nomine Patris Tenebraum + In Nomine Matris Daemonum + In Nomine Androgyni Adversarii + Hic sum, qui Diaboli sumus + Qui lingua bifida loquimur + Et veneno eius potimur + Ave Pater Infernalis


Temple Vesperitas strives to "Do the Devil's Work" in all manner the expression can be exhausted. For millennia, the Devil has been an enigmatic character surrounded in intrigue, often invoking dread in the hearts of those who imagine him. He is a character used by society to represent the epitome of evil within our universe, and is the center of blame for all human atrocity according to such views. Our Temple, however, interprets this figure differently. While maintaining an eclectic fusion of pagan thought, gnostic teachings, esoteric practice, and a reinterpretation of ancient texts, we view this figure as the bestower of wisdom, liberty, justice, and even love.


We are a theistic organization, actively revolutionizing traditional satanism for the modern era. While we view such entities as Lucifer, Lilith, and other Adversaries as beings who literally exist and are worthy of worship, we are an explicitly peaceful and apolitical religious movement.


The Temple views itself as a necessary cultural counterbalance to the current climate of unchecked religious hegemony across the globe, especially in the United States and the western world. Our values are humanist and philanthropic, while also maintaining the importance of justice and severity within a world ravaged by the wiles of the Abrahamic faiths.​ We affirm Satan. The Name of Satan is our birthright, and we proclaim it proudly.


The core religious faith of the Temple is dubbed Vesperianism, with followers often calling themselves Vesperians.


This is derived from the name Temple Vesperitas, which means "Temple of the Evening Star." This is a reference to the planet Venus, which ancient peoples regarded as a very important star. It was the first star to appear in the sky in the evening, but also the last to disappear in the morning. Especially due to its rather rebellious struggle to withstand daylight from swiping it away, ancient peoples ascribed it to many adversarial entities. For this reason it was called the Morning Star, or Heosphoros, or Helel-ben-Shahar. Its most famous ascription, however, being to Lucifer. We, however, venerate it in its duskfallen aspect, as the first star in the evening sky which heralds the coming night. Thus, we are called Vesperian. We are one satanic voice, vocalized by a thousand flayed tongues spewed in a thousand mouths. 



How to Join


The Temple is composed of an inner order and an outer order, also called the closed and open cults. The outer order can be joined by anyone and requires no formal initiation. Anyone can be a Vesperian.


One should familiarize themselves with the theology and values of the Vesperian tradition prior to identifying as one, however. The Temple and its leadership reserves the exclusive right to declare a person unfit for the faith if such an unfortunate action is necessary.  We recommend joining the Temple discord server and exploring our online resources to familiarize yourself with our culture and beliefs. The closed cult is known only as V.I.T.R.I.O.L., which acts as the governing team of the Temple, and is currently invite-only. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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