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Writer's pictureAttar Vovin

Our Immortal Goddess - Finding the Primordial Feminine in the Esoteric Occult Way

Before I begin to claim anything at all on this platform, hi. I'm Attar. I have been doing occultism for a majority of my maturing life, and have overcome many inferior selves up until this point. After a short hiatus, I'm stepping back to speak up on various subjects that I can provide insight into, and to remark on what else I learn as time passes. I've studied for many months and years into the Gods, gnostic archetypes, and how the ancients understood various concepts, leading me to my traditional, shamanistic and atavistic interpretation of the Luciferian way. I hope you can enjoy the content I provide, and without further ado, lets begin.

To start off, before anything, we're going to look at the esoteric nature of the Qliphoth using the analogy of a fruit. Exciting, right? I'm jumping for joy. Let's begin.

The word "Qliphoth", which means "Shell", "Husk" or that which encloses something and is peeled off, and falls away. In essence the word in fact esoterically denotes something that is emanated away from source, and is then expanded into the extremity furthest away from source or the first principle mind. In definition, we can liken it to a fruit that grows thick, and heavy, but then eventually falls from its branch, but in this case let's imagine a fruit that is more hidden or further to the top of a tree - it will also grow in thickness and size. But this time, imagine that because it is held up high, and closer to its source, and has more support - it grows even heavier, and more dense full of life and it eventually grows larger until it falls. This one, however, when it falls - it falls much harder than all the others, and the fruit breaks into pieces and shatters.

Now think of all the seedlings inside this fruit, think about how they work and notice how they will eventually grow into many trees. A multiplicity of sources, or "first principles", that will overshadow the original source, overcome, and all of them will continue to reach for the highest point until the dance starts over.

The fruit analogy is cute. Mainly because we always mention the fruits from the Tree of Wisdom, that being the gift of the divine serpent that revealed the power of the fruit was to discern between what caused ills in the earth and what caused good.

It was that first fruit that expanded us into a hellscape, but set the gears in motion for us to eventually return to our Primordial Atavistic Origin, who in the satanic tradition tends to be the Dark Mother, in hebrew: "ÆLH ShChVR HÆMSh"(Black Goddess of the Night) littered with stars and every constellation, who is by day a "MLKTh HShMYM"(Queen of Heaven), who shines in the dawn as Ashtoreth. She is mysterious, but the gnostics knew her well as Barbēlō (Mystery: Babylon) or as Sophia, who is scattered across various emanations. It is in fact said that the "Left Hand" of god in general is supposed to be the feminine, the unhindered goddess - the Sitra Achra is said to be the great body of this obscured goddess. The Aghori tradition holds up to the same in fact, as many attribute the black goddess Kali to them and the Vāmācāra (left hand path) traditions.

Now, because her name is Sophia, wisdom, and she is now been turned to "Mystery: Babylon", it is only through wisdom that we can reconcile the pieces of Sophia. Only through wisdom do we find the Mystery of Babylon. Through the Luciferian atavistic current, we can quickly define this goddess.

Identifying the Pan-Qliphothic Goddess.

We will start from her highest most original aspect identified in the western mystery schools and work downwards in our series of acknowledgements, but it seems that the first emanation of our scattered divine mother can be traced back to the original absolute. The highest, most terrible, most ineffable god; not being the monotheistic god but simply the wholeness of the absolute including the furthest reaches of the void. This force is identified in greek gnostic terms as "Depth", the ancient greek word "βυθός"(Bythos), which actually etymologically connects to "Abyssus" in Latin - and this first being contained within it every possible essence and nonessence. From the feminine principle in it, which is called in greek "Βαρβηλώ" (Barbēlō), came this goddess figure, the holy spirit of this absolute, and she was the ultimate generative principle within its trinitarian form of Revealed Mother, Hidden Father, and the Divine Progeny, or Child.

Her myth: She had at first born what was called the "Father of All", or the "First Man", the primordial masculine principle of the Depth, and he was called by some "Kalyptos" (meaning the Hidden one).

From the power of this first hidden father came the second son, or the "Second Man", who was called "Ennoia" (mind, understanding, or notion/thought) - and he was full of vital energy from the Holy Spirit, and represented the movement of her thought. He was called by some "Protophanes" (meaning the first appearing one). After this, the Holy Spirit which was Barbēlō was emanated as a female form beneath the two sons, the first primordial man - hidden one, and the second son, Ennoia, or the first appearing.

Both masculine figures were enamoured by Barbēlō, so then from her, they generated the final perfect son, called "Khristos" (the annointed), who to some is called "Autogenes"(self-created), and he was the final emanation of Barbēlō. All three of these figures were said to be the powers of this primal goddess. She was said to be the first mother, and was compared in kabbalah to various concepts - like Binah, the generating womb.

A Visualisation of the Primal Goddess: Elemental Fire and Air - Philosophical Sulfur

So from there comes another goddess, and this goddess is Sophia, which simply put means wisdom. Sophia embodies Barbēlō, or the Primal Goddess in a lower or intermediary state, placed between material and divine. Because of this, Sophia is equated with the vital force of all things, the power of wisdom embodied and encased in matter, spirit mixed with matter. She is also said to also be hermaphroditic, but is still referred to as female.

She first descends into the chaos beneath her, and then assumes a physical body that becomes the night sky or primordial void according to ancient philosophers. This exact archetype in greco-egyptian gnosticism syncretes Sophia with Nyx and Nut. This goddess is the goddess of the night sky, the infinite expanse of void - and the legend tells of how she left her great body to encircle and comfort the whole world, as stars were born from her, and her light and wisdom shone through those stars. She essentially was the body of the abyss, and she was the mother of all stars.

The Night Goddess with a Body of Stars, and the Triple Goddess of Lunar Light

And her stars were made to fall... which leads to our next point.

The masculine counterpart of Sophia is said to be Lucifer. The first primordial masculine power incarnated itself through Sophia's thought, and this was the serpent of Eden. The serpent is in fact directly linked to the Tree of Wisdom and its fruit, and it is called the Tree of Wisdom, or - in this case - the Tree of Sophia, because Lucifer and the fallen feminine Sophia, are within this tree and its fruits. They are the shells that fall away from the original forms.

Now, let us consider this female Lucifer, we know a name for her already. Lucifera. This name was also an epithet of Hekate in many works honoring her, and also the archaic moon goddesses associated further alongside Hekate. Sophia is connected to that virgin light of the untouchable goddess of primal fire. We can see that the Lunar Goddess is associated with being a female lucifer as Diana is called Lucifera. What we can gather is that Lucifera, or Chao-Sophia(Wisdom of the primeval abyss), this eternal, fiery presence beyond the veils and crossroads, this presence is almost like a spiritual mother to all Wisdom. And so we revere her as such, in her triple aspects.

What needs to be understood is that the ancients did in fact relate and connect many "unrelated" goddesses, because - it turns out that esoterically they are related in archetype and worship. Neith, for example, is connected with Nut - one aspect being active and making decrees, the other being passive and representing the sky. The greco-egyptian magical tradition is chock full of deity syncretism, especially in the realm of Hekate and the goddesses - but all of its syncretism makes sense, as the atavisms assumed by combined deities in those texts were in fact the same in origin.

A Visualisation of the Fallen Wisdom Goddess: Elemental Air and Water - Philosophical Mercury

Finally, the most immediate, carnal, physical and closely attributed spirit to us. From all emanations before, then was incarnated Lilith. In gnostic mythology, Sophia takes on a form called "Prunikos", meaning "outrageous, daring, audacious" and is sometimes interpreted as "harlot". This form of Sophia is the form of the primordial goddess fully given flesh from primeval matter, and molded into being by the forces of creation. Sophia is engrossed by the powers of matter, and the Archons and Angels (who we attribute to the Demiurge, Yahweh, the Abrahamic deity) try to defile her.

In this attempt, they simply reproduce a poor copy called "Eve", and Sophia can simply leave her body whenever she so wishes. She thus is half harlot and half pure, and this is reflective of her nature, always being upright no matter what she is put through. This is the same story of Lilith. Adam and the rule of God places himself over her, metaphorically or literally defiling her. She refuses this, and thus runs away, just as Sophia does. According to magical traditions Lilith is even almost killed by three angels who were sent to take her back or drown her in the red sea. Lilith has the power to bargain and outwit these angels - why? Because in the tradition she says she would only not kill the infants who were guarded by magical amulets featuring those three angels. She managed to trade a sin for a sin. She gets to feed, and she has successfully tempted the children of Adam into witchcraft. In a way, she conquers the angels sent to her subconsciously. Much like Sophia conquers the archons who try to defile her and drag her back to matter, the daring harlot - Prunikos - is beyond this world, and knows no limit.

What we can also consider is how Prunikos-Sophia is actually attributed to giving Adam wisdom, not the demiurge. The demiurge repeatedly tries to dumb down the attempts of Sophia to enlighten humanity, but he himself uses her breath to animate them. What does this mean? Well, the translation of Eve in the original hebrew means the breath of life, or spirit, that enters into the "red clay" that is adam. Lilith is the original Eve, the original woman, and is attributed to the first primordial breath of life, but paradoxically switches to bear a breath of death towards the children of Adam when Eve is created instead. Lilith represents both extremes. The original, unhindered breath of spirit, and also the force that takes breath away entirely. The main takeaway though, is that the primordial Sophia is simply what Eve was formed around, Sophia cast a mirage that became woman herself incarnated as us.

This is the nature of our omnipresent goddess.

Visualisation of Lilith: Elemental Water and Earth - Philosophical Salt

Lilith and Babalon

Knowing what we know about magical traditions, we know Lilith as being known to appear in scarlet, or as a goddess in red. Looking into the sources of which we find Lilith, is becomes very clear very quickly that Lilith was compared to being a personification of Mesopotamian lust goddesses. Her iconography was compared with Astarte and others goddesses of the ancient pagans around Mesopotamia, especially how she is depicted as riding a chariot pulled by beasts, and is depicted mostly as seen on the Burney Relief. Instead of attributing her with positive things like the Mesopotamians did however, they attributed her to various evils. So, this is where "Mystery: Babylon" comes in.

"Babalon" in thelema and enochian magick, "Mystery: Babylon, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations upon the Earth" in the Bible, and the archetypal scarlet woman are a hypostasis of the same generative qliphothic goddess. She represents Lilith in her most high and heavenly aspect, whereas Lilith represents the goddess on high incarnated in the physical realm. "As Above So Below", as its said. The difference between the archetypes of Lilith and Babalon are very little, but whereas Lilith is associated with chthonic energy, Babalon tends to cover more ground with her empyrean energy, thus you could compare more goddesses with Babalon as she's closer to the source, but these attributions may not work the same given to Lilith.

For example, Ashtoreth (Astaroth) is an aspect of the scarlet woman that is not connected to Lilith, Isis can be compared to the scarlet woman on high, and so can other head pagan goddesses. Why they cannot compare as easily with Lilith - despite Lilith's origins being directly linked with these goddesses - is because she represents the opposite face of these heavenly goddesses upon the earth, or beneath. All in all, the scarlet woman is a high aspect of Lilith that can be called alongside her, and there's no real seperation between Babalon and Lilith besides one being a reflection on earth or hell, one in the ethereal, but both ultimately being the primal holy spirit that came from way beyond conception, the primordial triple-virginal flame. Barbēlō is also connected to the Babalon - or scarlet goddess - because she is the ultimate mystery of Babylon. We can see an etymological link between Babel, Babylon and Barbēlōn - as Barbēlō was sometimes spelled with an N. I speculate as we're talking of Babel, a city who worshipped "Bel", or "Belo" in greek, as their god - there is a deep rooted connection between the womb of first creation, and the incarnated scarlet goddess, riding her consort the Beast.

If we look to the kabbalah, there would be zero difference between Babalon and Lilith. They utterly represent the same thing in that particular system, because Lilith is the entire "Shekinah"(divine presence) of the Sitra Achra. As opposed to Yahweh's diluted "Shekinah", which is said to be "virgin" and "pure", yet is controlled in every other aspect - Lilith is the curious harlot, who as Sophia Prunikos explores the mysteries of her lust by mingling with the opposite and remaining pure and untouched inside, because she is not of her body and can change however she sees fit. This is the "Mystery" of Babylon, their lust goddess - and the power to remain pure even amidst abominations. The "Mystery: Babylon", to put it simply, is Sophia. Wisdom. She rides upon the beast, who is Samael, the serpent formed devil, or "NChSh HQDMVNI" (Ancient Dragon/Ancient Serpent) - who represents the Will to Power. In gnosticism, Sophia is paired with Theletos, the "Willed for", because he is distant - and wills himself into power with wisdom as his energy and motivation.

So, Lilith is only the "Lowest" emanation according to this series of emanations. What is the truth, however, is that she is simply the face of the absolute goddess. She is the body of Sitra Achra, an embodiment of Eros mixed with Thanatos, Sexuality and Death, in a perfect union. She is all consuming because all returns to the void mother through her event horizon. We know ourselves that she is the Qlipha in which her daughter adorned with flowers, Naamah, meaning "pleasant" resides in. Because within her is the natural spiritual pleasantness and beauty that can emerge from her womb even if some rabbinical myths claim she is infertile, she is still a begetter of beauty through her forms. She is the actual foundation of which the obscene dream of the Other Side, the ineffable powers beyond is given shape. She is the shell that fell and grew into its own tree, the tree of wisdom. It is no doubt that some attribute the power of the Tree of Wisdom itself to Lilith entirely, and we know now the role that the divine feminine plays as Lilith.

Here are two quotes from a script that describes the primal goddess and Lilith perfectly, the primeval mother of all. This is called "Thunder; Perfect Mind", and it is said to be read by Sophia.

"For I am the first and the last.

I am the honored one and the scorned one.

I am the whore and the holy one.

I am the wife and the virgin.

I am the mother and the daughter.

I am the members of my mother.

I am the barren one and many are her sons.

I am she whose wedding is great,

and I have not taken a husband."

"I am the substance and the one who has no substance.

Those who are without association with me are ignorant of me,

and those who are in my substance are the ones who know me.

Those who are close to me have been ignorant of me,

and those who are far away from me are the ones who have known me.

On the day when I am close to you, you are far away from me,

and on the day when I am far away from you, I am close to you."

"Sophia" - by Alex Grey, Representing every Archetype of the Goddess

What we can safely say now is this Triple Goddess, primordial mother, virginal fire and seductive destroyer - is an ever present theme in our current. It is said that Lilith is incomplete without Samael, the hidden masculine. What occurs at their wedding are the ancient masculine forms reuniting, and the primordial feminine forms reuniting - causing to us, what satanists would call the ultimate aim. The birth of the beast from the union of the Triple Powered Goddess (Lilith), to the Five Powered God (Samael), then to the ever present Dragon Serpent (Leviathan) is the ultimate symbol for spiritual awakening, just like Sophia re-uniting with the serpent to dissolve the world back to source.

So, this Prunikos, or Lilith, is the darkened world-soul, and a reflection of what came before the world even was, in a mixture between existence and non-existence, defiled and yet pure. The most human form of Goddess yet, until she passed her fruit on to Eve(who's name means breath of life...), and thus to us. Lilith is the one who breathes spirit into us satanists, her and her masculine counterpart - who is hidden behind many obscure forms, where Lilith is revealed and obscene, Samael is hidden and covert, representative of the ancient hidden primal father, immortal and invisible. She is every single past iteration of the goddess through multiple incarnations, and her name comes from her origin - "LYLYTh" - shares an etymology with "LYLH", or night. Going back to the fruit analogy, she truly is a symbol of the fruit that grew and fell, and representing the sweetest and fullest of the fruits of the Qliphoth. Because her roots extend into the lowest of the low, her fruit is most high, and heavy, and full - the harder the fruit falls and the sweeter it is, just as the lower the roots grow, the higher the tree is.

The Union between Pentad (Samael) and Triad (Lilith), the pentagrammic god, and the triple goddess - to create a shape of 7 points, with a hidden eighth representing an acausal revolution of the Ogdoad(infinite) past the Hebdomad(limited).

Prayer for Lilith

"We praise you of the god-siring breasts, shameless Lilith, full of audacity, the King(Satan) is with you. Damned are the men who are not with you, and cursed are the dregs of their offspring, for you destroy the enemy, the invader of our spirits.

For our spirits are of the vindicator who when begotten becomes as you, your womb is forbidden fruit to your annointed, and the women among your host are holy. Yours is with the King(Satan), undaunted by affliction, obscene Lilith, beyond terrible, harlot and mother of abominations.


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I'm very serious to worship 🙏 the only true master (LUCIFER) so please help me to find a way to his door 🚪 and I'll be much better... Hail the morning star ✨

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04 abr

Thank you! Very educational.

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